Monday, August 31, 2009

The Eyes Have It

Here is Brigham's letter for the week.  Last week he started to get low on money the packages from family and friends came just in time.  They only eat with members one night a week, so they appreciate anything extra they can get.  
Elder Elton

  This week was good not great. We have had a ton of new investigators and they are all shooting for the baptism on Oct. 10th If all goes as planned we will have over ten people baptized on that day, so that is nuts. I have been working on a new skill i want to develop, i am trying to look into people's eyes as i teach so that the spirit can touch them.  Then i can call it out and assist them in recognizing the spirit.   

Like this one time, with this gal Heidi, i was teaching her and as i covered the Joseph Smith story i saw it happen i don't know how to explain it but her eyes just change. So right then i stopped and explained to her what she is feeling, she looked at me like i was some magic dude it was nuts and i really think that her recognizing the spirit is going to help her move forward quickly.  It is amazing how in tune we are as missionaries.

I cannot believe how evil the world is. We have had everything this week to a guy coming up in my face slithering his tongue to apple cores to gals flashing us. I am not going to lie dad the tongue thing freaked me out. I was sitting down trying to teach someone else so not wanting this influence to seem like it overcame the power of God, which i know it could not.  I stood up knocking this guy back a few feet then proceeded to tell him that he doesn't understand the power he is dealing with, not only the power of God but the power of Satan he is calling on himself. Luckily, after this he left and we haven't seen him again. dang it was so crazy i couldn't believe it.

The power of God huh? The good thing is that after the darkest and hardest times for us the best thing's happen so ya it will all work out for the best for sure...

1 comment:

  1. WOW I love this blog. Somehow I havent seen it until now. I love all the updates!
