Sunday, April 24, 2011

Working Hard

I am Extending

Letter from Elder Elton's Dad to family about his extending until August

Family and friends,

Can I brag on Brigham for a second?

I received a call form Brigham's mission president Wednesday.  He told me how well Brigham is doing.  Then he told me that he had extended a special call to Brigham.  He wants Brigham to extend his mission by a month and be a "traveling missionary."  He won't have a companion for the last part of his mission.  Instead, he will go from companionship to companionship to help them "catch the vision and fire of missionary work."  The mission president went further to say, "this is the highest compliment I can give you;  Elder Elton is on fire.  I wish every missionary was like him.  He has the spirit of missionary work."

The reason the president called was to find out if it is okay that Brigham extends his mission.  So, we are both happy and sad.  We miss him and can't wait to see him, but we also know that you get back ten fold when you're working for the Lord.  We feel this is Brigham's chance to serve God.  Brig will get home August 6.

His new address will be the mission office:

Elder Brigham Elton
2 Bedford Farms Drive, Suite #208
Bedford, NH 03110

Thanks to all of you who have written to him.


Molly's baptism

This letter is from March 21st 

Alright so this week was quite awesome...  We had a great time at molly's baptism...  She just lit up like a beam... also Roberta passed her interview this morning so in between conference in a few weeks we will be baptising her.

Molly's baptism was at 6:00 on saturday, her whole family came out to it. They are being super suportive which is way nice. Her mother and her grandparents also came on sunday to church for her confirmation. It was awesome we are actually going to have a BBQ at their house this friday so that should be awesome i am hoping we can milk this for all it is worth we had 9 non-members at the service on Saturday and we should start teaching them all... We have appointments with them all the next week.  Elder Jeppson was as high as a kite all day too he couldn't sleep the night before and he did it perfect. One try and she was done. We were quite scared though because the water wasn't working for a while... The circulating pump was out so the heat and such were out of commision well they actually still are out of commision....   We had to rely on just the boiler.....   Little way's satan tries to stop the work of the Lord.

Lets see what else this week... That was the biggest thing was the baptism we were looking forward to it the whole time....   We had some success other places too... we are out of miles so we are biking all the time... it is sad how out of shape we are... but hey anyway that isn't to bad...   It has slown down the work... really in all reality it is quite frustrating... when the sisters were here they had 1450 miles... then when we came back they only gave us 1000 and we have to go on exchanges the sisters never had....  That means 6 extra trips to and from Topsham which is a 55 mile round trip...  anyway off that rant....

I was super excited to get letters from sarah and Gracee this week...  They seem to be doing awesome and also seemed to have changes so much

Well i think that is it....

LOVE you...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I am in Damariscotta, Maine

 I think i have told you but i consistantly write my prayers to keep me focused. So I was writing a prayer on Sunday morning and i had a huge impression to Pray for Elder ----------, He is a member of our district and closing out his mission this week. I prayed and prayed hard that he would find succes and be able to lose himself in the work these past few weeks. I love it! So At church this long time investegator tells him they are ready for the lessons and want to be baptised in two weeks. And a yound man comes and was looking for a way he could join the church. He read his grandfathers journal telling about how his G-pa found the church and the way it changed his life. This kid is super solid I am so pumped for them as well!

So lets see we made some good progress with Scott and Sarah this week we went and taught their boys in the middle of the week and they were way pumped they even prayed for us! We gave them the childrens Book of Mormon and that was just awesome.  They are loving it. Then at the end of the week we went back for dinner with the parents and they talked about how they need to get married she knows all of the stuff and wants to be baptised but they just need to figure out the legistics side of things ! They have a goal for April still so we are just doing what we can to keep them to it!